Contoh RPP Bahasa Inggris | Teks Bahasa Inggris SMP SMA dan SMK

Berikut ini adalah contoh RPP bahasa inggris yang bisa kamu pelajari untuk menambah ilmu dalam bahasa inggris kamu supaya lebih bagus lagi. Contoh RPP ini dikutip dari :

Rpp bahasa inggris


School : ……………………..
Subject : English
Class/ Semester : VIII/1
Standard competency:

Express the functional meaning in form of written or short oral texts using a variety of simple spoken language, accurately, fluently, and useful in related with the environment.

Basic competency :

- Describing about animals and plants
- Enrich their vocabulary about animals and plants
- Sharing their opinion with their friends

Indicator :

- The students are able to read a descriptive text and answer the comprehension question
- The students are able to Mention the kinds and meaning of animals and plants
- The students are able to complete the sentences based on the descriptive clue about animals and plants.
- The students are able to admit and deny a fact about animal and plant in small conversation

Time Allocation : 2 x 40 minutes

A. learning objectives
- The student given reading material in title “I have a cat” then able to read aloud and answer the comprehension questions.
- The student are able to mention kind and meaning about animal and plants in the text
- The student given completing sentence task and able to complete the sentences based on the clue.
- The students given topic about deny or admit the fact about animal then make short conversation which is presented in the front of the class

B. Learning Materials

- Reading passage entitled “I have a cat”

C. Learning Method

- Question Answer
- Pairs Work
- Cooperative Learning
D. Learning steps

- Students respond to the teacher’s greeting
- Students are asked to answer the triggering questions given by the teacher (see teacher’s note)
- Students are asked to read a short descriptive text in title ” I have a cat” ( see on work sheet)
- Students are asked to discuses and answer the reading comprehension question.
- Students are asked to find the meaning of word listed by the teacher
- Students are asked to complete sentences using the words given by teacher based on the clue in the text.
- Students are asked to work in pair
- Students are asked to make a dialog in admitting and denying a fact about animals and plants
- Students are asked to present their dialog in the front of the class

E. Learning source

Ardiman wartono et al 2008.E book English in focus. Jakarta: Departement Pendidikan Nasional

F. Assessment

- Students are asked to answer the reading comprehension question.
- Students are asked to fill in the blank using correct word based on the
- Students are ask to present their dialog as natural as possible

Approve by Negara …………….
Head Master Subject Teacher

I Wayan Suarjana S.Pd I Gede Adi Kumaranata
NIP: 123 2154 2354 NPM: 10-3963

Students’ Worksheet

Exercise 1
I Have a Cat
Spot is a regular house cat. He is an adorable cat. He has orange fur with white and black spots. I like to cuddle him because his fur feels soft. Every morning I give Spot milk. Spot does not like rice, so I give him cat food. Spot is an active animal. He likes to run around the house. He likes to chase everyone in my house. When he feels tired or sleepy, Spot usually sleeps on the sofa in the living room or sometimes under the table

Adapted from:
English in focus 2

Answer and discuss the following questions based on the text above!
1. What kind of animal is Spot?
2. What does Spot look like?
3. What is Spot’s fur like?
4. What food does Spot have every morning?
5. What kind of food does Spot like?
6. What does Spot like to do?
7. Where does Spot usually sleep?

Exercise 2
Please find the meaning of words below


Please fill in the blank with the correct word above
1. A…………………….. grows into a beautiful buttery.
2. The………………….. lives in a land but breeds in water.
3. The…………………… usually grows in a dead tree.
4. The………………….. is a predator bird. It hunts for fish or chickens.
5. A…………………….. is a bird that can imitate words.
6. An ………………… a very beautiful flower.
7. The sound of a……………………. is very annoying.
8. There is a big fish called a…………….. living in the sea.
9. I see an……………………. in that tree.
10. An………………………. is a snake-like animal that lives in the mud.

Exercise 3
Please make a dialog in pair about admiting and denying a fact about animals and plants. Maximum duration 2 minutes.


Teacher note
Triggering questions

1. Do you have any favorite plants or animals at home?
2. If yes, what kind of plants or animals do you have?
3. How do you take care of plants or animals?
Answer Key
Exercise 2
1. A carterpilar grows into a beautiful buttery.
2. The toad lives in a land but breeds in water.
3. The mushroom usually grows in a dead tree.
4. The eagle is a predator bird. It hunts for fish or chickens.
5. A Cockatoo is a bird that can imitate words.
6. An orchid is a very beautiful flower.
7. The sound of a raven is very annoying.
8. There is a big fish called a shark living in the sea.
9. I see a owl in that tree.
10. An Eel is a snake-like animal that lives in the mud.

Semoga Contoh RPP Bahasa Inggris | Teks Bahasa Inggris SMP SMA dan SMK ini dapat membantu ….

Incoming search terms:

* contoh rpp descriptive( bahasa inggris sltp)
* contoh descriptive text animal cat
* a short descriptive text in english with its questions
* lesson plan rpp
* lirik lagu happy birthday dalam bahasa inggris
* mention of teks
* my cat ( bahasa inggris)
* rencana pembelajaran bahasa inggris untuk siswa SMP dengan cooperative language learning
* RPP English Competency Standard
* rpp reading descriptive text ----/