LIST EXAMPLES OF IN FORMAL IDIOMS SLANG IN ENGLISH contoh idioms ungkapan slang dalam bahasa inggris LIST EXAMPLES OF IN FORMAL IDIOMS SLANG IN ENGLISH contoh idioms ungkapan slang dalam bahasa inggris LIST EXAMPLES OF IN FORMAL IDIOMS SLANG IN ENGLISH contoh idioms ungkapan slang dalam bahasa inggris LIST EXAMPLES OF IN FORMAL IDIOMS SLANG IN ENGLISH contoh idioms ungkapan slang dalam bahasa inggris LIST EXAMPLES OF IN FORMAL IDIOMS SLANG IN ENGLISH contoh idioms ungkapan slang dalam bahasa inggris LIST EXAMPLES OF IN FORMAL IDIOMS SLANG IN ENGLISH contoh idioms ungkapan slang dalam bahasa inggris LIST EXAMPLES OF IN FORMAL IDIOMS SLANG IN ENGLISH contoh idioms ungkapan slang dalam bahasa inggris LIST EXAMPLES OF IN FORMAL IDIOMS SLANG IN ENGLISH contoh idioms ungkapan slang dalam bahasa inggris LIST EXAMPLES OF IN FORMAL IDIOMS SLANG IN ENGLISH contoh idioms ungkapan slang dalam bahasa inggris
Tag Along
Talk double Ducth
Confusing talk or Unclear explanation.
Take a pot luck
Accept all conditions.
Take no prisoners
Do not pay attention about the other's feeling.
Take to the heels
Start running away
Take what someone say with a pinch of salt
Doesn't take what someone say too seriously
Tear bucket
Cry so much
Tear something into pieces
Completly destroy something
Tens of thousands
Represent the big number of something
Ten to one
Feel confident with something
The best of both worlds
Very best. Have all advantages
The last straw
The last problem before everything is solved.
Think on one's feet
Think quickly
Third degree
A quite severe stage.
Third world
Low development place/ person.
Throw down the glove
Take a challenge.
Tide someone over
Help someone to survive from crisis
To a day
Exactly (use with time or date)
To hear something straight from a horse's mouth
To hear something from an original source which should very reliable
Tongue in cheek
Tongue tied
Too nervous or serious to speak out
Too big for one's boot
Arrogant. Self-center person
Touch and go
An uncertain result
Tough as nails
Very tough
Toxic waste
Completely waste. Cannot even be disposed.
True to life
Very real
Turn pale
Suddenly scare of something
Turn someone off
Feel disgusting with someone
Ugly customer
Dangerous person
Uncle Sam
Refer to something from the US
Uncle Tom
Person who are not updated to the current world.
Under age
Below the legal age
Under cover
Conceal / Hide
Under fire
Under the serious situation
Under the breath
Whisper / Talk in a very soft level
Under the nose
Did not recognize something which are actually very close
Under the hammer
About to reach the final
Under the table
Bribes / Pay money for illigal purposes
Under the thumb
Completely under control
Under the weather
Feel sick / depress
Under your thumb
Under totally your control
Until the last dog is shot
Until the very last possible moment
Up a gumtree
In trouble. Very busy
Up in the air
Unclear situation
Upside down
Turn the top to the bottom and the bottom to the top
Up to speed
Update the progress
Up the wall
Very angry
Up to you
Depend on you / rely on you
Value judgement
Unfair judgement. Judge with emotion
Velvet glove
Gentle person
Vertically challenged
Very thing
Very suitable
Vice Versa
The opposite of what you say is also true.
Vicious circle
No progress. recourring situationl
Villian of the piece
A bad person
Very Important Person
Virgin territory
Something havn't been found / discovered
Waiting in the wings
Ready to take an action
Walk in a park
Smooth an easy
Walk on a green mile
Going to do something which cannot be avoid
Walk on eggshells
About to get very angry with someone
Walking on air
Very happy
War of words
A big argument
Waste of skin
Watch the step
Move / Act carefully
Watch the tongue
Speak carefully
Watching paint dry
Boring / not interesting at all
Wear many hats
People who play many roles or in many positions at the same time.
Wet behind the ears
Naive / no experience
White feather
The sign that the person is scared or highly nervous.
White knight
Person who like to help or save the others
White lie
Lie for a good purpose to help something/ someone.
Whole food
Organic food
Wide of the mark
Incorrect / Inaccurate
Wild card
Unpredictable factors
Window shopping
Go to the shop to walk and look around but not buying.
Wishy washy
Something unclear
With eyes open
Fully aware when doing something
Within a stone throw
Withing a very short distance
Word by word
Very word
X rate (Rate X)
Too aggressive
Year in year out
Year by year. Many years consecutively.
Year round
All year/ the whole year
Yellow billed
Yello press
Bias media. Media who report with no mercy.
Yes and no
Unclear / not confident
Yes man
Someone who always agree with other people
Yesterday's man
Someone who has been overlooked because he is not as successful as his old time
You are toast
Your are in a real trouble
You are what you eat
The food you eat is very important for your health
You bet
Totally agree
You can say that again
Totally agree
You cannot unring a bell
You cannot recall something which you have done
You could hear a pin drop
Very quiet
You name it.
To give a total credit to someone on something (it).
Young blood
New generation people
Young turk
Group of activist usually form by old belief.
Your call
Totally your decision
Your name is mud
Bad reputation
Zero hour
Appointment for start time with no delay.
Zero in
Focus to the target
Zero tolerance
No tolerance. No compromise
Zip the lip
Keep the mouth closing / Keep the secret ----/