Contoh Dialog Percakapan 3 Orang di Restoran Dalam bahasa Inggris

Berikut ini adalah kumpulan 300 [pdf] [doc] [ppt] lebih contoh percakapan (dialog) yang berkaitan tentang Contoh Dialog Percakapan 3 Orang di Restoran dalam bahasa inggris berbentuk [pdf] [doc] [ppt] english conversation about
500 more example english conversation dialogue [in pdf] Contoh Dialog Percakapan 3 Orang di Restoran dalam inggris english conversation about english inggris english conversation about 500 more example english conversation dialogue [in pdf] about Tenses dalam bahasa inggris berbentuk [pdf] [doc] [ppt] english conversation about
cara mudah cepat pintar Contoh Dialog Percakapan 3 Orang di Restoran dalam inggris english conversation about english inggris english conversation aboutcara mudah cepat pintar [ Terjemahkan laman ini ]
500 more example english conversation dialogue [in pdf] Contoh Dialog Percakapan 3 Orang di Restoran dalam inggris english conversation about english inggris english conversation about 500 more example english conversation dialogue [in pdf] about Tenses dalam bahasa inggris berbentuk [pdf] [doc] [ppt] english conversation about. Reading should be social! Post a message on your social networks to let others know what you're reading. Contoh Dialog Percakapan 3 Orang di Restoran dalam inggris english conversation about english inggris english conversation about
kumpulan 300 [pdf] [doc] [ppt] lebih contoh percakapan (dialog) yang berkaitan tentang Contoh Dialog Percakapan 3 Orang di Restoran dalam bahasa inggris berbentuk [pdf] [doc] [ppt] english conversation about.scribd. Contoh Dialog Percakapan 3 Orang di Restoran dalam inggris english conversation about english inggris english conversation aboutcara mudah cepat pintar› Creative Writing › Essayscara mudah cepat pintarContoh Dialog Percakapan 3 Orang di Restoran dalam inggris english conversation about english inggris english conversation about cara mudah cepat pintar kumpulan 300 [pdf] [doc] [ppt] lebih contoh percakapan (dialog) yang berkaitan tentang Contoh Dialog Percakapan 3 Orang di Restoran dalam bahasa inggris berbentuk [pdf] [doc] [ppt] english conversation aboutcara mudah cepat pintarContoh Dialog Percakapan 3 Orang di Restoran dalam inggris english conversation about english inggris english conversation aboutcara mudah cepat pintarkumpulan 300 [pdf] [doc] [ppt] lebih contoh percakapan (dialog) yang berkaitan tentang Contoh Dialog Percakapan 3 Orang di Restoran dalam bahasa inggris berbentuk [pdf] [doc] [ppt] english conversation about kumpulan 300 [pdf] [doc] [ppt] lebih contoh percakapan (dialog) yang berkaitan tentang Contoh Dialog Percakapan 3 Orang di Restoran dalam bahasa inggris berbentuk [pdf] [doc] [ppt] english conversation about Tenses Pengantar | Tenses bahasa inggris berbentuk [pdf] [doc] [ppt] english conversation about
300 lebih contoh percakapan Tentang Contoh Dialog Percakapan 3 Orang di Restoran (300 more english conversation example about Talking about Contoh Dialog Percakapan 3 Orang di Restoran Dalam baha)

Atikah : Farah, may you call the waiter please..

Farah : Waiter, I need the menu.

Saadah : Yaph, be fast. I cannot wait longer anymore.

Waiter : Yes girls, here is the menu.

Farah : Thank you, I order for a chicken mushroom steak. How about you Ka (seeing to Atikah)?

Atikah : Wait.. I choose beefsteak and an orange juice.

Farah : Ups I forget the drink. I prefer an Ice tea.

Saadah : I very like chicken mushroom steak, so I order it. For drink, it sounds good for tomato juice.

Waiter : Ok, let me make all of your order for only 15 minutes.

All : Oke Thank you.

Saadah : Farah, may I borrow you mobile phone? I need to call my friend for a while.

Farah : Where your own. Do you bring yours, don’t you?

Saadah : Yes, but my mobile phone is still low battery. So, may I borrow yours?

Farah : No problem, here is mine. Ka, what are you thinking about? You look so lonely and quiet today.

Atikah : Nope, I just wondering to know the newest movie in Cinema. I really want to watch it.

Farah : What is the movie? Can you tell me the title?

Atikah : The Hope. That is the title. I just wanna go after lunch to watch that movie. Many people say that the story is great. There are love between two people who separated by the religion and country.

Farah : Oh that movie. Yeah, it sounds good.

Saadah : I am so curious about it. Can we sit together in the cinema after this lunch?

Farah : I have to go with all of you girls. I saw the piece of movie and Tom Cruise seems act so romantic there.

Atikah : Allright, we go together. But now, finish our lunch first.

Waiter : Here are your orders girls. I hope you enjoy and have a nice lunch.

All : Thank you.

Saadah : Far, could you take the salt for me?

Farah : Sure, here you are. Hmmm, yummy. Beefsteak is quite delicious.

Atikah : Saadah, may I ask for the pepper?

Saadah : No problem, here you are.

Atikah : Thank you. I think we need to buy some drinks and foods for bringing to the cinema.

Saadah : That’s a good idea.

Farah : Yaph, let’s visit the supermarket first to pick all of our favorite snack.

Saadah : Ka, the book that you lend for me actually is having a complicated story. But overall, it’s good. The story is quite complete. There are funny, sad, hope, and happy.

Farah : Is that titled the creature of my heart?

Atikah : Yes, that’s the creature of my heart, the best seller book that make every one entertained. You will love that book so much because of the rich of the story itself.

Farah : May I borrow it for a week?

Saadah : You can ask Atikah whether she will permit you or not. But, if you wanna read, you will be allowed only after I finish it.

Farah : Ka, I will pay for your lunch if you lend me that book.

Atikah : Oh really? Sure you may. By the way, thanks Farah.

Farah : No problem ka. I will do all that I can to pick that book up.

Saadah : That’s a good trick.

15 minutes later

Atikah : Ok, all has already finished and let’s go to the cinema.
Farah and Saadah : Let’s go.

Semoga percakapan bahasa Inggris di atas memberikan manfaat yang nyata kepada Anda.