Dialog Percakapan 3 orang Bahasa Inggris Pergi Berkemah dan Artinya

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300 lebih Dialog Percakapan 3 orang Bahasa Inggris Pergi Berkemah dan Artinya   (300 more english conversation example about Talking about Dialog Percakapan 3 orang Bahasa Inggris Pergi Berkemah dan Artinya

(Arya, Raka, and Yunus spending their times for camping on a mountain)
Arya : Hey, Comrades! Is the campfire ready?
(Hei, kawan ! apa api unggun sudah siap ?)
Raka : Yes. It’s ready. Let’s get here, Arya.
(ya, siap, ayo kesini, Arya.)
Arya : A second please. I will go get our snacks in the tent.
(bentar, aku ambil snack dulu di tenda)
Raka : Alright.
Yunus : Wow, having a campfire is great. Moreover, we are up in a mountain. So, fire is good to warm up our bodies.
(wow, api unggunnya besar sekali. Bagaimanapun kita diatas sebuah gunung. Jadi apinya bisa untuk menghangatkan tubuh kita.
Raka : That’s right. Furthermore, the campfire is known to be the spirit of camping. So you can’t mention it a camping if there is no campfire.
(benar. Selain itu, api unggun sebagai semangat berkemah. Jadi kamu tidak bisa menyebut berkemah jika tidak ada api unggun)
Yunus : That’s right!
(tepat sekali)
Arya : Well, here are the snacks.Percakapan Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya Pergi Berkemah (Going Camping)
(baik, ini snacknya)
Yunus : Yum, they look delicious.
(hmm, keliatannya lezat)
Raka : Hey, by the way Arya, are you sure that there is no such wild and ferocious animals or beasts around here? I’m afraid they would probably harm us.
(hei, oh ya Arya, kamu yakin tidak ada binatang liar atau buas disekitar sini ? aku takut mereka mencelakai kita)
Arya : Don’t worry, Raka. I have surveyed the location of this mountain and our camping site. I found no particular information about dangerous or harmful animals that wander around this mountain area. Moreover, we have campfire. Animals really dislike fire. That’s why travelers who are lost in a forest always create a fire to keep wild animals away. So, I suppose we will be perfectly fine.
(Jangan khawatir, Raka. Aku sudah survey lokasi gunung dan tempat kemah ini. Tidak aku temukan informasi tentang hewan berbahaya atau pengganggu. Apalagi kita punya api unggun. Hewan sangat tidak menyukai api. Itulah mengapa penjelajah yang tersesat di hutan selalu membuat api untuk menjaga dari binatang. Jadi, I kira kita akan baik-baik saja)
Raka : Well, I’m glad to hear that.
(ok. Saya lega mendengarnya)
Yunus : Hey, Arya, I saw you very skilled at building up our tents. Where did you learn that skill from?
(hei, Arya, aku lihat kamu sangat terampil mendirikan tenda kita. Dari mana kamu belajar ketrampilan itu ?)
Raka : Arya was a member of scout club back in his school, right? Arya?
(Arya adalah seorang anggota pramuka waktu di sekolahnya dulu, benar ? Arya ?
Arya : That’s right, Raka. I always joined scout club from I was still in elementary school until high school and now in college I’m joining nature lover club. It’s a club that consists of people who loves the nature. We travel and explore to many places in nature like caves, forests, mountains. We are educated and trained how to survive in wild nature. We are also always taught to always be friends with the nature.

Yunus : Wow. That is great. You are much like an adventurer.
Raka : I’m glad that we have you in this trip. I can’t imagine if I just go along with Yunus. We would probably get lost somewhere.
Yunus : Hey! What did you say!? Just so you know, I am quite good at dealing with wild nature as well. l read the book about surviving in wild nature a lot.
Arya : That’s good, Yunus. I’m sure it would be very useful someday.
Raka : Hey, I bring my ukulele. Will you guys sing along with me?
Arya : That’s quite a great idea.
Yunus : Cool! Campfire, nature, sky with stars, foods, ukulele… I love camping!
Glossaries Percakapan Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya Pergi Berkemah (Going Camping)

Camping = berkemah
Comrade = teman, rekan, kawan
Campfire = api unggun
A second please! = tunggu sebentar!
Tent = tenda, kemah
Ferocious animals, beast = binatang buas
Harm = menyakiti, mencelakai
Survey = mensurvey
Camping site = tempat/lokasi berkemah
Particular = khusus
Harmful, dangerous = berbahaya
Wander = berkeliaran
Traveler = orang yang bepergian, pengembara
To keep wild animals away = menjauhkan dari binatang liar
Skilled = terampil
Scout club = klub pramuka
Back in his school = dahulu waktu di sekolahnya
Natur lover club = klub pecinta alam
Survive = bertahan (hidup)
To always be friend with = untuk selalu berteman dengan
Adventurer = petualang
Go along with = pergi bersama dengan
Get lost = tersesat
Just so you know = asal kamu tahu
Deal with = berurusan dengan, menghadapi ----/