100 example to Beautiful and Ugly Words

100 Beautiful and Ugly Words

One of the many fascinating features of our language is how often words with pleasant associations are also quite pleasing on the tongue and even to the eye, and how many words, by contrast, acoustically and visually corroborate their disagreeable nature — look no further than the heading for this post.

Enrich the poetry of your prose by applying words that provide precise connotation while also evoking emotional responses. (Note the proportion of beautiful words to ugly ones in the compilation below; it’s easier to conjure the former than the latter, though I omitted words associated with bodily functions, as well as onomatopoeic terms.)

Notice how often attractive words present themselves to define other beautiful ones, and note also how many of them are interrelated, and what kind of sensations, impressions, and emotions they have in common. Also, try enunciating beautiful words as if they were ugly, or vice versa. Are their sounds suggestive of their quality, or does their meaning wholly determine their effect on us?
Beautiful Words

Amorphous: indefinite, shapeless
Beguile: deceive
Caprice: impulse
Cascade: steep waterfall
Cashmere: fine, delicate wool
Chrysalis: protective covering
Cinnamon: an aromatic spice; its soft brown color
Coalesce: unite, or fuse
Crepuscular: dim, or twilit
Crystalline: clear, or sparkling
Desultory: half-hearted, meandering
Diaphanous: gauzy
Dulcet: sweet
Ebullient: enthusiastic
Effervescent: bubbly
Elision: omission
Enchanted: charmed
Encompass: surround
Enrapture: delighted
Ephemeral: fleeting
Epiphany: revelation
Epitome: embodiment of the ideal
Ethereal: celestial, unworldly, immaterial
Etiquette: proper conduct
Evanescent: fleeting
Evocative: suggestive
Exuberant: abundant, unrestrained, outsize
Felicity: happiness, pleasantness
Filament: thread, strand
Halcyon: care-free
Idyllic: contentedly pleasing
Incorporeal: without form
Incandescent: glowing, radiant, brilliant, zealous
Ineffable: indescribable, unspeakable
Inexorable: relentless
Insouciance: nonchalance
Iridescent: luster
Languid: slow, listless
Lassitude: fatigue
Lilt: cheerful or buoyant song or movement
Lithe: flexible, graceful
Lullaby: soothing song
Luminescence: dim chemical or organic light
Mellifluous: smooth, sweet
Mist: cloudy moisture, or similar literal or virtual obstacle
Murmur: soothing sound
Myriad: great number
Nebulous: indistinct
Opulent: ostentatious
Penumbra: shade, shroud, fringe
Plethora: abundance
Quiescent: peaceful
Quintessential: most purely representative or typical
Radiant: glowing
Redolent: aromatic, evocative
Resonant: echoing, evocative
Resplendent: shining
Rhapsodic: intensely emotional
Sapphire: rich, deep bluish purple
Scintilla: trace
Serendipitous: chance
Serene: peaceful
Somnolent: drowsy, sleep inducing
Sonorous: loud, impressive, imposing
Spherical: ball-like, globular
Sublime: exalted, transcendent
Succulent: juicy, tasty, rich
Suffuse: flushed, full
Susurration: whispering
Symphony: harmonious assemblage
Talisman: charm, magical device
Tessellated: checkered in pattern
Tranquility: peacefulness
Vestige: trace
Zenith: highest point
Ugly Words

Cacophony: confused noise
Cataclysm: flood, catastrophe, upheaval
Chafe: irritate, abrade
Coarse: common, crude, rough, harsh
Cynical: distrustful, self-interested
Decrepit: worn-out, run-down
Disgust: aversion, distaste
Grimace: expression of disgust or pain
Grotesque: distorted, bizarre
Harangue: rant
Hirsute: hairy
Hoarse: harsh, grating
Leech: parasite,
Maladroit: clumsy
Mediocre: ordinary, of low quality
Obstreperous: noisy, unruly
Rancid: offensive, smelly
Repugnant: distasteful
Repulsive: disgusting
Shriek: sharp, screeching sound
Shrill: high-pitched sound
Shun: avoid, ostracize
Slaughter: butcher, carnage
Unctuous: smug, ingratiating
Visceral: crude, anatomically graphic

What did I miss? Add to these lists in a comment below.
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and, the responses are:

131 Responses to “100 Beautiful and Ugly Words”

1. DW on February 8, 2011 2:43 am

Personally I think “crepuscular” is a repulsive word. I think a lot of it is personal taste. I’ve known a few people who can’t abide the word “moist”.
2. mark ways on February 8, 2011 3:38 am

The “ugly words” seem to be able to carry a lot more emotion or it is easier to link an image to them e.g. connecting a picture to disgust, cynical or slaughter. Personally, I like the word crystalline, but also ocean and motion. Thanks for this list, mark.
3. Jake on February 8, 2011 6:02 am

“Cascade” is more accurately defined as “a series of small waterfalls”. To me, the word has almost onomatopoetic qualities, the two syllables reminiscent of a two-stage waterfall…
4. opsimath on February 8, 2011 7:03 am

I have always thought ‘noisome’ a quite ugly word. As DW says, it is all very subjective.

The word ‘gusset’ always makes me cringe, too.
5. Pegg Thomas on February 8, 2011 9:59 am

The ugliest of words – vulgar: coarse and rude
6. Becky the Floridian on February 8, 2011 10:20 am

I have a special fondness for the word mediocre. I’m not sure why, strange as it may sound.

Also, have you noticed foods (especially fruits and vegetables) have similar associations?

Yum: peaches, apples, lettuce, melon, rice, pudding, kiwi, chocolate
Yuck: brussel sprouts, spinach, cabbage, spam, hash
7. Rebecca on February 8, 2011 10:28 am

I didn’t realize there were so many beautiful and ugly words. Thanks for the list!
8. Kiran on February 8, 2011 10:30 am

I like word Cacophony….bit comedy…I would use it in next meeting…….Ha ha.!
9. Miguel Reznicek on February 8, 2011 10:53 am

I like Basal Ganglia
10. Cathy on February 8, 2011 10:59 am

I love this list. I will definitely use this as a resource.
11. Kathy on February 8, 2011 11:07 am

1579, from Gk. Elysion pedion “Elysian field,” where heroes and the virtuous live after death, from a pre-Gk. word of unknown origin.
I have always thought this was a beautiful-sounding word, meaning “paradise.” Evidently the ancient Greeks did too; Hades is not nearly so pleasant.

And in reply to Becky, I have always thought the word “melancholy” sounded beautiful, even though the meaning is somewhat sad.
12. Carol on February 8, 2011 11:20 am

How about contemptible? Or lugubrious? I used to work with a gentleman who would sign his letters…Lugubriously yours.
13. Deborah H on February 8, 2011 11:32 am

These are great listings, Mark. I looked for one word in particular: pulchritude. I never use it; I had to look it up just to spell it correctly. It’s an ugly word, and yet it means beautiful. And if you’ve ever heard a screech owl, you know that the word screech barely describes the horror of the sound.

But “opulent” is a favorite word. It’s how I describe my figure—lavish to the point of excess (instead of obese).

I love the names of southern race courses: Charlotte, Darlington, Daytona, Talladega. It makes you sound southern just saying them. Also magnolia, hush puppies, and Amarillo.
14. Nikki on February 8, 2011 11:38 am

I thought I would add a few of favorites I noted were missing from the list. I was somewhat concerned to find that I have an indordinate fondness for so many ugly words. I am choosing to believe it results from your more thorough coverage of the beautiful.

Abominable: causing digust or hatred
Odious: arrousing or deserving hatred
Heinous: shockingly evil or hateful
Barbarous: harsh, merciless or cruel
Noxious: morally corrupting
Odoriferous: morally offensive
15. Stephanie on February 8, 2011 11:53 am

I agree with DW on “crepuscular.”

According to some experts (Tolkien the philologist in particular), “cellar door” is phonetically the most beautiful phrase in the English language.

Great post!
16. ilinap on February 8, 2011 12:29 pm

I love this post! Serendipity is my favorite word. It’s just so lovely to say and to experience.
17. Bish on February 8, 2011 1:07 pm

Great list. Pustule is good and nasty.
18. Ken on February 8, 2011 1:49 pm

Beautiful Words

rutilant: having a reddish glow
beatific: having a blissful appearance

Ugly Words
amphigory: a nonsense verse or composition

natter: to chat causally – not sure if beautiful or ugly?
19. Brad on February 8, 2011 2:17 pm

When wikileaks published those cables a few weeks ago, there was one in which (Italian Prime Minister) Sylvio Berlusconi was described as “feckless.” Not really an ugly word, but such a perfectly wonderful descriptive word, and you just don’t see it used enough. I wanted to thank the State Department employee who wrote that, not only for the laugh, but also for a job well done, just for the use of that word.
20. MarkI on February 8, 2011 2:28 pm

Oh I quite like cacophony. And “charivari” which I believe has a similar meaning. And I agree that “crepuscular” is quite ugly.

My favourite at the moment is “moue”, which always conjures up the image of a young french woman with a sullen, sexy look.
21. Rod on February 8, 2011 2:43 pm

I think “oblivion” is a beautiful word despite the meaning.
22. AmaT on February 8, 2011 3:04 pm

Thanks for reminding me of the many words available to us ~ for use in our language and our writing.
23. Jojack on February 8, 2011 3:27 pm

I’ll go with recalcitrant (not compliant) for my fifty cent word. Obtuse (slow of wit) for my everyday word. Jojack

A police officer asked me “Do you know why I stopped you?”
I said “You know, I have the same problem. I rush into a room, and then realize I have no idea why I went in there.
24. rike weiss on February 8, 2011 5:00 pm

I want to add ululate–to howl or wail in grief (or joy); from the sound of it, I’d add it to beautiful words; by definition, it may not be. Rike
25. Rob Hoey on February 8, 2011 6:30 pm

I think you should include (in the beautiful list) tintinnabulation–the ringing of bells.
I mean, how can you go wrong?
26. Betty on February 8, 2011 7:33 pm

Ugly word: “fash,” as in “Don’t fash yourself.” From he Scottish for “worry.” My grandmother used it often in the sense of, “Don’t get all worked up about things” or “Don’t beat yourself up over it” or “Don’t blame yourself.”
27. Roger on February 8, 2011 7:58 pm

I always look forward to DWT. This one was particularly enjoyable. I was surprised, however, that you didn’t have the word gossamer. I love this word.

Gotta agree with Bish on pustule; a REAL nasty word!

Thanks for something to think about every day.
28. margy on February 8, 2011 10:27 pm

I love the word withersoever. Something to do with Don Quixote. I know it is a mouthful, but it evokes the past, something dreamy, wistful, and daily life seeming to pass more slowly than today’s pace.
29. Brenna on February 8, 2011 11:13 pm

I think pus is a really ugly word. I can’t separate it at all from its meaning, I guess.
30. LDHW on February 9, 2011 6:12 am

An ugly word i think is missing: FICKLE
31. Cassandra on February 10, 2011 7:04 am

Please make more lists like this, please, I’ve been trying so hard to find lists like this to help expand my vocabulary.

As for words to add, “everlong” is quickly becoming one of my favourite words, for a beautiful word. One word that I have always found ugly, though it’s meaning is not, is the word “glowed.” I just despise the sound of it, though it’s most likely because my instinct is to make the past-tense of similar-sounding words ending in -ow to -ew, so that instead of glowed it should be glew.. like blow/blew, know/knew..

but please, oh please, make more lists like this!
32. Ronster on February 10, 2011 5:47 pm

Luscious is another beautiful world.

What about “nostalgic” as another beautiful word?

And perhaps euphoria.
33. Loretta on February 10, 2011 9:30 pm

I love this post and will keep it. It includes most of the words that seem the most beautiful to me. I can’t access the list right now, but I like: mellow, lovely, cherubim. Yes, I see how the meanings influenced my choices.

I can hardly say the words, roach and cockroach. They bring back the extreme disgust I felt as a child when I turned on a light in a garage and a number of the large winged variety flew at me. Apart from the insects themselves, I can’t stand those two words. I call the large ones by the other name we use in Florida, palmetto bugs, and I call the smaller ones cucarachas. Somehow, in Spanish it doesn’t sound so bad. I’m actually embarrassed for anyone whose surname is Roach, though I’m sure it has nothing to do with the bugs. Incidentally, I’m an retired elementary teacher and love wildlife, including most of the smallest kind. I’ve picked up many different kinds of insects, and don’t kill them unless it’s absolutely necessary. I’ve loved spiders since before Charlotte’s Web was written.
34. Tengku Shahrizan on February 12, 2011 2:24 am

Doesn’t “Visceral” also mean “Instinctive”?
35. Mark Nichol on February 12, 2011 3:26 pm


Yes, and “deep” and “earthy.” A visceral feeling is a gut feeling, because visceral literally means “guts,” from viscera, a word for the internal organs. I listed only the ugly connotations.
36. Sarika on February 14, 2011 4:16 am

Beautiful listing! I think ‘eternal’ is a beautiful word too.
37. Carolyn on March 1, 2011 4:04 pm

Cool list! Thanks for compiling it!
38. Johnny Owens on March 9, 2011 2:37 pm

I have forgotten the name of the author who published several collections of English language oddities, puzzles, and the like, but he had two favorites which I remember from his own list of “most beautiful words”–zephyr (with which I quite concur) and hemorrhoid (with which I pointedly disagree). As I remember, the “o-r-r-h” orthography seemed to have been a favorite of his, for some reason; I also seem to remember him having said nice things about the word “gonorrhea.” Beauty, apparently, was indeed more in the eye of that particular beholder than in his other organs.
39. Liz on March 21, 2011 9:45 am

Great words! How about ‘happenstance’?
I used it in an essay once and got a bonus tick on top, nice to see the lecturer was a word lover too!
40. Vendetta on March 29, 2011 12:37 pm

I’m a fan of the word ‘aleatory’ (relying on luck or chance).
41. FG on March 30, 2011 12:56 am

Agreed with Jojack on recalcitrant! So many harsh sounds in the word makes it really hard on the ears.

A beautiful word that I think should be added is ‘pendulum’, such lovely nasal ‘n’ and ‘m’ sounds that make it so pleasant to hear.
42. Arvind V on April 1, 2011 11:53 am

I thought “iridescent” was an ADJECTIVE that meant ” shining” or “lustrous”? The abstract noun form of the word is “iridescence” which means “lustre” ….have I got it wrong?

I haven’t heard “susurration” being used except in printed text. But have really seen excessive use of “plethora”….
43. Neil on April 1, 2011 5:32 pm

My family refers to a certain ugly condition as having the beautiful word. the condition is diarrhea
44. GS on April 2, 2011 3:55 am

I know these words aren’t meant to be ugly, but I detest the words ‘chuckle’ and ‘chortle’.
They’re just disgusting words.
45. Carol Morgan on April 2, 2011 7:07 pm

‘Ugliness’ does seem to be related to a word’s meaning. Voracious is ugly and so is its meaning. Gossamer sounds beautifully light like butterfly wings or fine lace.

And, as The Economist magazine’s well-known rules for writers compels us to use the easy word rather than a little-known synonym, we are left without ‘crepuscular’ and should use ‘dim’, or ‘chance’ instead of ‘serendipitous’. Sad!

We left out funny words from these excellent lists, those that make us laugh. I love some Yiddish expressions I grew up with because they sound and feel just right, and often mean exactly what we are trying to say. They are also short: klutz (clumsy person); fe (expression of disgust); kvetch (complain); or nu (so?) or no? (in English), or ne? (in Afrikaans). And how about meh (so what? which is hardly spoken at all except with a twitch of the shoulders)?
46. Little miss squarepants on April 3, 2011 10:40 pm

beautiful – bubble, humble, awesome, honey. ugly- gash, crank, cot, thrush.
47. Lesley Hollowell on April 9, 2011 7:31 pm

I teach creative writing to high school seniors, and one of the first things I have them do is to keep a running list of favorite and least favorite words in the last pages of their journals. (Turn to the last page and flip the journal upside down so that you don’t have a sense of writing backwards through the pages.)

I used to keep a list of only favorite words, but I quickly found that my students were interested in those I mentioned as my least favorites, including phlegm, crusty, urinal, impressive, and prestigious. I find that whatever description I read that employs those last two is sure to turn me away. Did you ever enjoy a conversation with someone who talks about her prestigious law firm or his impressive credentials? And bunion is a loathesome word, made even worse by earning them from running.

As for favorites, many of mine have to do with affectionate memories and longings, to include Gallatin Valley, Nova Scotia, swamp, periwinkle (color, flower, snail), river, hydrangea, hymn, hosanna, Wabash, Edinburgh.

Once in a while I ask my students to take a word from their list of favorites and start writing. Invariably I find that the associations with the word are so powerful that they need no further direction.
48. Stella on April 11, 2011 7:53 pm

i believe that the word rendezvous is quite beautifull. Also beautiful is Vanilla, bouquet, and twilight….
49. Andy on April 14, 2011 6:34 pm

I’ve always liked Crapulence (intoxication), mainly because so many people I have known use it to mean the first four letters.

Makes me wonder if people use it that way the word’s definition may change over time, much like Aggravate/Irritatate.
50. jojo patato on April 23, 2011 8:50 pm

Vibrant is awesome
51. Dr. Airborne on April 25, 2011 5:57 pm

I agree that crepuscular is ugly. I would suggest that its synonym, vespertine, falls into the beautiful category.

Consider: “She was a vespertine beauty, the evening star of the social scene; but her twin brother was a crepuscular curmudgeon, a sunken, sulking sociopath.”

Since when did The Economist espouse parsimony in word choice? It was there that I learned the lovely word fissiparous.
52. DuncanM on April 27, 2011 7:47 am

I hate the word ‘pamper’ – for its modern hotel-market-speak connotations of hedonism. I also dislike wordsmith; what’s wrong with ‘writer’?
53. Ruminant on April 27, 2011 7:19 pm

I’m probably in the minority, but the words “smoothie” and “yummy” make me cringe. They’re too gooey or babyish or something.
54. LizzieW on May 1, 2011 5:50 pm

My favourite word and mantra which always calms me down is ‘silver’.
55. Kair on May 6, 2011 5:43 am

Subaqueous is a nice word….
56. Helene on May 8, 2011 5:21 pm

All words have their own beauty and wonder for me. Even ‘ugly’ words like “slaughter”, “placenta”, “visceral”, and “despondent” make me shiver with joy when I hear them, just because they have such strong meaning. I guess everything is beautiful that way. We just have to change our perspective.
57. Mary on May 11, 2011 9:48 pm

I think the most beautiful word is “lily.” (Many other flower words are quite beautiful: daffodil, azalea, verbena, chamomile, wisteria, myrtle, to name a few.)
58. Phil on May 13, 2011 2:55 pm

Crepuscular rays are the “fingers of God.” Rays of light seeming to come from one source. As such – I like “fingers of God” better…

I was talking to my wife the other day & used the word “amelioration” (properly) in a sentence. We stopped and looked at each other and agreed, “…wow, that’s a cool word!”

I like the word …ellipsis…
59. Elena on May 15, 2011 10:55 am

A word that makes me cringe is “snack.” I especially abhor “a tasty little snack.” Sends shivers down my spine.

In addition to “cellar door” purportedly being a beautiful combination of words there is “summer afternoon,” which, not only sounds lovely, but conjures up an image of peaceful perfection in spite of the possibility that it could instead be something straight from hell.
60. valeen on May 17, 2011 12:52 am

thanks for this post, will help us a lot
61. Toni on June 14, 2011 10:30 am

I think the words I dislike most are due to the spelling and the overall appearance of them, though they also sound wrong to me:

My favorites:
62. Audrey on June 18, 2011 12:54 am

I actually like the word cynical. It just sort of flows of my tongue.
Cataclysm also has a nice ring to it. It just sounds like a powerful word. Maybe I just enjoy hearing bords that begin with “C.”
63. Jo on June 19, 2011 4:43 am

I think flaccid is an ugly word, but it makes me laugh!
64. Lizzie on July 1, 2011 4:21 am

Words and their affect (effect?) on us are strange indeed. Two lovely words stay with me from reading Gail Godwin’s book ‘Father Melancholy’s Daughter’ – ‘rinse’ and ‘jug’. I guess it is just the mood I was in at the time.
A horrible word that fascinates me is ‘Bucolic’. When I heard it first, I thought it was some sort of animal disease. Twenty years later, I am still battling to come to terms with it as a description of rural utopia…
65. Jay on July 7, 2011 3:14 pm

Funny… I hate the word moist…
66. Jasmine on July 10, 2011 5:34 am

How could you all forget ‘vomit’? I hate that word so much, it’s horrible.
67. Jahnee on July 12, 2011 7:19 pm

I like the word mizzle-it’s used to describe the (usual) weather here in the Pacific Northwest. Mist + drizzle.

I HATE the word sip. OM asks “Can I have a sip?” but actually means “I’m going to drink nearly all of your pop but I figured I’d ask first”. So I really dislike that particular word :\
68. Emily on July 13, 2011 11:22 pm

@Rob Hoey: I want you to know that “tintinnabulation” is my favorite word. No one I know even is aware of it’s existence, and I think that’s sad because the word is so gorgeous. It definitely is a vivid word, too, no? My mother introduced me to it. She and her friends used to see who could spell it the quickest. I learned it from a young age and became a pro at spelling it. Absolutely beautiful word.

Also, beautiful list! I would also like to include the word “undulate”. I don’t know if it’s a beautiful or ugly word – personally, I think it can be both. However, it means to move in a wave-like matter. I think when spoken, the word “undulate” definitely undulates from my mouth. It conjures pictures of waves crashing into a rock, or blue, sheer fabric rippling in the wind. Lovely word.
69. Tarra on July 20, 2011 7:00 pm

Beautiful words:
immarcesible (unable to be erased or forgotten)

Ugly yords:
oeillarde (to ogle at a glance)
toe (I’m not a huge fan of ‘oe’ together)
70. MJ on July 21, 2011 4:38 am

I got to the “Ugly words” list and upon seeing “Cacophony” I immediately thought of how much I love that word. I’ve also always loved the sound of “visceral.” As for the beautiful words, I find many of them displeasing. Halcyon, diffuse, and incandescent in particular. (Not to mention Felicity is the name of my best friend so I would never use it in writing anyway.) It really is all about personal taste.
71. Lillian on July 21, 2011 3:44 pm

I like the sound of these words:

arrogant (the word itself is arrogant);
aurora (it cascades gloriously from my lips, radiant and red!);
dastardly (what the hell, the word’s powerful!);
serpent (another strong word);
espionage (it has this French/Latino ring);
mint (so minty!);
lily (enhanced by the fact that it’s my name);
dell (a small valley with trees growing in or around it); and now that I think about it, the words,
“valley” and “tree”. They are all so poetic.

I don’t like the sound of words:
lugubrious (I find it unwieldy);
claustrophobia (isn’t it hideous?);
benevolent (never mind it’s meaning);
ululalate (?!); curmudgeon; and
72. Shane on July 28, 2011 1:21 pm

Words that I love include:
pulchritude (not the greatest sounding but, oh, that meaning…)
purple passages (such a beautiful term)
73. Shane on July 28, 2011 1:38 pm

Dear Editor/Moderator:

I mispelled amethyst. Please replace it with the following entry:

“amethyst (amethystine is lovely too)”

Thank you,
Shane McGlothlen
74. Sandy on August 3, 2011 8:46 am

Perspicacious and obsequious have always been my favourite words, as well as eschew. They’re a lot of fun to say.
75. David T on August 3, 2011 5:34 pm

Irenic is a beautiful (and peaceful) word. What can be uglier than “blastoma”?
76. Ryn on August 4, 2011 11:40 am

I love the words ‘snout’ and ‘pumpkin’ for the way they sound on the tongue. Beautiful. Particularly snout, but maybe it’s just the way I say it personally.
But I’ve always found the word ‘feral’ to be strangely beautiful along with ‘retribution’. The word ‘shattered’ is also a favourite.

I really dislike ‘moist’ and ‘vein’ for no reason in particular. I did once know someone who hated the word ‘pod’ for the sharp plosive sound at the beginning coupled with the ‘d’.

Just thinking about favourite words… I’ve never found the word ‘Angel’ to be particularly beautiful enough to do an Angel justice.
77. Ryn on August 4, 2011 11:41 am

Oh, and I love the word ‘sleek’ for the very way it describes itself.
78. CallumFisher on August 4, 2011 6:36 pm

My favourite’s ‘sisyphean’. My spell check doesn’t know it, but I’m pretty sure that’s how it’s spelt. It relates to the Sisyphus of greek mythology and is used an adjective to describe an endless, unyielding labour. I think it just rolls off the tongue.
79. aamir on August 9, 2011 11:53 am

actually i want to know those beautiful and powerful words when anyone listen he should be impresed but the words which are placed in this website are brilliant,enormous and aspeceious
80. Rob on August 10, 2011 1:22 am

I agree that the meaning of the word has an influence on how ‘beautiful’ we think it to be. Personally, I like the word autumn, not only by its appearance and sound, but also the images it stirs. On the other hand, ‘disease’ seems very off-putting.
81. Chuck Barnard on August 14, 2011 11:11 pm

Ugly words tend to be guttural with plosives and often Anglo-Saxon or Celtic roots–probably a reflection of the periods in English history when the rulers were and spoke mostly French.

Most of our ‘swear words’ come form these roots–the same term, translated into French or Latin based words is often acceptable in places the A-S words aren’t.
82. Bob on August 16, 2011 12:27 am

Personally I’ve often found the beauty of a word directly proportional to the accuracy and easy with which it describes its meaning.

“Visceral” certainly describes an ugly situation, but I’ve always admired it for the ease with which it let me conjure an image.

Likewise with “Grotesque” – the very word illustrates its meaning, especially the q, which feels rather pompous and, well, grotesque amidst all the simpler words around it.
83. Dammy on August 22, 2011 12:08 pm

Its amazing the feelings words can conjur in the minds of those who love to play with them.
Some words that gives me the tingles;











There are ugly sounding words that do turn your mind topsy-turvy,but they still come in handy when the pen is ready to flow.
84. Ashley on August 22, 2011 10:07 pm

A teacher of mine described what he felt was the “ugliest word in the English language.” And, even after searching through your list and a number of comments, I have to agree.

“Twig” is horrendous. It’s just a small stick but it combines two very prominent sounds of distaste. First is the ‘twi-’. If you say it, it’s almost as though you are huffing out of anger. There isn’t a nice way to say it. Then, there is the hard ‘g’ at the end. I can feel the bored slack in my face saying it! Especially since it comes out as ‘guh’.

85. Chris on August 26, 2011 10:34 am


Incidentally, The Elysian Fields, in French, is Champs-Élysées.
Apologies if you already knew that, but most people have heard of it but don’t know what it means.

86. Smilecuzurfkncrazy on September 1, 2011 5:06 am

You forgot MOIST!
87. AnWulf on September 1, 2011 1:57 pm

@Bob … I’m of the same mind with you … It hinges on the how and when the word is used.


There are many words that I like but most folks wouldn’t know them since they aren’t French, Greek, or a Latinate.

karandash … just a fun word to say (Russian for pencil)
huru … another fun word … (Old English – especially, certainly, at least, at all events, at any rate, in any case, however, even, yet, only, indeed,)

infaru – invasion OE
intinga – matter, material OE
thole is a good one instead of endure (in the wordbook)
guthfloga – guþfloga, guðfloga, – one that flies to battle (Beowulf)
rodor – sky, heavens OE
hador – bright, clear, serene OE
thracu – fury OE
cacophony … yes, I like it and I have used it. Greek
gainsay … oppose, contradict, deny, disagree with (in the wordbook)
tungol – planet OE
glam – message, loud talk, din, loud chattering (in the wordbook)

Words that I don’t like: most four-syllable Latinates! And that is likely about half your list.
88. Cocomonica on September 8, 2011 8:06 am

i just love the word ‘archipelago’ – so beautiful.
also: correlation,
89. Lynne Caskey on September 29, 2011 5:39 pm

My four teenage nieces hate the sound of the words, hematoma and cord blood. Just hearing these words make them cringe. Really, so funny!
90. Keli on October 4, 2011 7:59 pm

Eh, I like brussel sprouts. :D

I like the word Catalyst, but I don’t know if it fits under either. I’d put it under beautiful.
91. Cynthia on October 10, 2011 8:37 pm

I honestly think that all words have their certain beauty to it, but some words do sound pretty ugly. I personally love the word evening, just because of the way it looks and sounds.
92. RR on October 10, 2011 11:46 pm


I love the word Coco.

Other beautiful words (to me):

Ugly Words: fester and canker

I’m thinking too much about the meaning probably.
93. RR on October 10, 2011 11:47 pm

I meant: cocoa.
94. hz on October 12, 2011 10:51 pm

The words ‘puss’ or ‘belch’. I actually feel a little sick when I hear them said.
95. hz on October 12, 2011 10:53 pm

I love nosferatu. Negative connotations but it sounds so lovely.
96. Carl on October 21, 2011 6:31 pm

One of the ugliest words I can think of, (and used by third rate journalists all the time), is the word “upcoming”. Where did this hideous word come from, and why is preferred over the established “forthcoming”?Is it a word like “hassle” (originally a black American word meaning a drug bust) which will gradually die out? Here’s hoping….
97. AF on October 22, 2011 8:28 pm

Cataclysm must be my favorite word… It inspires some sort of disturbance. It’s not ugly.
98. claire griggs on October 23, 2011 10:13 pm

A word i really enjoy- cupola

Pronounced- (coo-poh-la)
99. Evie on October 29, 2011 9:16 pm

I like the word halcyon. (It would appear the drug manufacturers also like the word, but they spell it ‘halcion.’)

For some odd reason, I also like the word diesel.

I think the most wonderfully descriptive word in the English language is ‘turd.’ Whoever thought of that one was right on the money!

For anyone who has the misfortune to be buried near a sewage disposal plant, the term ‘interred’ takes on a whole new meaning. (That’s my joke for the day…groan!)
100. Colby on November 8, 2011 3:32 am

From the top of my head, I’m especially fond of contumax, potentate and amarinthine. Grovel, sycophant and hauty exude a sense of disgust.

“Contumax” gives defiance maximum appeal. “Potentate” brings out the potency and power of a ruler while reminding me of the simple nourishment of a baked potato. Amarinthine simply sounds eternally pleasant and fragrant.

“Grovel” sounds fittingly like gravel, from whence a groveler stretches. “Sycophant” sounds to much like suck, and plays into its meaning well, yet disturbingly. To say “hauty,” you must position your mouth so that you actually look it.
101. gabrielle T on November 8, 2011 7:31 pm

How could such a cumbersome (ugly) word as pulchritrude resonate beauty, and the high spirited word ‘enervate’, evoke ‘deprived of strength and vitality’ when it suggests something quite the opposite.

Who came up with ‘penis’ to describe the male organ it is definitely an ugly word.
102. jackie009 on November 14, 2011 11:36 pm

From the time I heard the word SERENDIPITY, I already loved it even without knowing the meaning yet.
103. Robin on November 20, 2011 11:14 pm

I’m an English teacher and I teach a unit on choosing words for their sound. One of my favorites is susurrus
104. dpcinh on November 21, 2011 4:12 am

I love the words segue and lambent.
I detest carbuncle, carcinoma and horripilation.
Enjoyed your compilation.
105. Em-Power-Me on November 25, 2011 11:12 am

I wonder how much of our association with “beautiful” or “ugly” words comes merely from our knowledge of their meaning? For example, if a non-english-speaker were presented with this list, would they make similar judgements based purely on the words’ sounds, or would they need meaning to make such a determination?
106. Hanna on November 27, 2011 9:10 pm

I think my favorite word is ‘revelation’ (: It’s so dark, yet happy as well. I love it ^_^
107. Ivan on December 1, 2011 4:05 pm

I think the word Inamorata is quite beautiful, in sound and meaning.
108. Latoya on December 4, 2011 3:56 pm

I like the words ‘nonchalant’ and ‘cavalier’.
109. Tammy on December 4, 2011 5:38 pm

I have always hated the word “gelatinous.” It reminds me of the nasty stuff around potted meat or Spam. Yuck!
110. soli on December 30, 2011 7:03 pm

i hate the word ‘bucolic.’ it sounds like colitis or some other disease
111. Bob Loder on January 2, 2012 2:08 pm

Please, eschew obfiscation!
112. Alison Armstrong on January 3, 2012 11:04 am

I know it’s not a real word, but I hate “celeb” because of how it sounds, not just because it’s used by popular media. It feels like a lazy word, too much like “schleb” (please excuse the spelling if it’s wrong) for the meaning, also partly because it feels unfinished and partly because it feels like the sounds just shouldn’t go together in that combination.

Also hate the word “actually” but I think that has more to do with it generally being redundant than the way it sounds or looks.

“Sex” is a terrible word – looks good in news articles but sounds awful and doesn’t roll off the tongue. An “S” shouldn’t be hard like that. Come to think of it, “vagina” sounds like something awful – I remember discovering the word before I had any idea of what it meant, and I thought it sounded like the name of a disease. On the other hand, there are names of diseases that sound quite romantic (such as “syphillis”) until you learn their meaning.
113. Katie on January 4, 2012 5:48 pm

i love the word cerebellum. I think it sounds very beautiful.
114. Colleen on January 4, 2012 9:38 pm

I dislike when you read book reviews on Amazon and people talk about “dipping” into books and a book you can “dip” into. Really, it’s disturbing on so many levels.
115. ringo on January 6, 2012 8:51 pm

Ohhhhh nice list :)
Uhm you forgot nefarious it means evil thats a pretty ugly word to mee ~
116. Matthew on January 6, 2012 9:09 pm

Butt. Ugly word.
Fuzz. Ugly word.
Snot. Ugly word.

I agree that the word Serendipity is beautiful. I wish I could use it more often in my work!
117. Natalie on January 7, 2012 8:25 am

Serenity, tranquility
Devotion, love
Valour, valiant, fortitude, chivalry, victory
Purity, virtue, divine, heaven
Noble, sublime, supreme
Lily, lilac, blossom, bloom
Aquamarine, azure, emerald
Unicorn, faerie, mermaid, angel
Lady, maiden
Poesy, harmony, melody, violin, lute, elegy, aquarelle
Silk, velvet, velour
Meadow, lake
Ivory, pearlescent, platinum, ebony
Cream, marmalade, almond, olive, honey
Dream, reverie
Dove, swan, robin

Rejection, destruction, dungeon
Avarice, predator, gnaw, gnash
Jealousy, dread, horror, hatred, grudge, murder, torture, mutilate, cripple
Lecherous, swine, vulture
Filth, dirt, foul, stench, reek, rotten, dank, drab, dreary
Rodent, rat, lice, plague, death, grave
Werewolf, witch, gnome, dragon (although dragon maybe is not so much ugly as rather evil-sounding), ghost, ghoul
Curse, poison, viper, adder
Spit, ooze, crust, blister, pus, retch
Infect, insect, crawl, larva
Exhaust, gas

Sorry if some’ve already been mentioned.
118. Natalie on January 7, 2012 8:43 am

Also, beautiful: porcelain, nightingale
Ugly: hiss, snarl
shark, hyena
119. Barbs on January 7, 2012 11:01 pm

Thanks for the interesting list – for some reason and I have no idea why I like the word peril – with its connotation it could be considered an ugly word.
120. Pat on January 8, 2012 12:24 pm

I have always loved the word “triplicate.” It feels so crisp when you say it . . .
121. Jill B on January 8, 2012 3:38 pm

Anatomy / anatomical

(Someone already mentioned my 7th grade English teacher’s favorite – lugubrious – and one of my others, obtuse.)

I dislike proactive (but mainly because of bad association with a person than with the word).
Inveigled – not sure of meaning any more but it sounds bad to me. (In-, dis-, mid- and mal- prefixes have those negative connotations.)
122. Joyce on January 12, 2012 8:46 pm

My favorite words:
123. Talya on January 14, 2012 12:57 am

I love the word lament. It’s meaning is so sad, but it’s such a beautiful one! Ingrate, and for that matter, grate, have never been beautiful words for me.
124. Liz Pascaud on January 18, 2012 1:17 pm

How about ‘love’ and ‘hate’ ?
125. Lauren on January 18, 2012 4:29 pm

I’ve always thought the ugliest sounding word in English is squat. I suppose it could have something to do with meaning but really, except for when camping, I can’t think of any particularly unpleasant associations. I really don’t like any of the squ’s (squint, squab, squire, etc), though squirt and squeeze are kind of funny sounding. At the moment, I can’t think of beautiful English words that have not already been mentioned. In French, I love champignon and hippopotame. (That’s probably because I haven’t spoken fluent French since childhood!)
126. TK on January 22, 2012 8:07 am

I hate words: pleasent and surprise
127. Rich on January 26, 2012 2:48 am

In my first college English course (a long time ago), I learned that nearly all words that begin with “sn” are ugly or negative sounding: snake, sneer, snot, snore, snicker, snarky, sniffle, snide, snafu, snarl, snob, snout, snooty, snit, sneaky, snitch, , and on and on. Their is that exception, though. It is “snuggle.” How can anybody not like that one?
128. Rich on January 26, 2012 2:57 am

There is a “their” there that snuck in on its own. I hate software that thinks it knows more than you do.
129. Luke on February 2, 2012 2:00 am

I was just thanking my girlfriend for sending me this link, explaining that the ‘site is new to me and I intend to visit often. Then I realised something that just sneaks into your criteria: I rather enjoy the sound and stress of “frequent” as a verb, but find it a little harsh as an adjective. Thoughts?
130. Jake Wheeler on February 5, 2012 5:32 am

Place names are a little off topic, but Everglades always cheers me up. If Heaven weren’t a word then all good people would eventually die and go to somewhere called the Everglades.
131. hambone johnson on February 8, 2012 8:51 pm

Based purely on sound…

and any word that ends with an “sts” sound, like fists, wrists, busts, linguists, etc.


I don’t understand using meaning or connotation to describe a word as beautiful or ugly. The word itself is just a collection of letters that we make into sounds. The sounds mean nothing by themselves so those are what I am listening to. ----/