Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA kelas XI

1.Kevin : the farmer wants to transmigrate to another island in order to survive.
Novitya: which farmer ?
Kevin : the farmer …….. family consists of a wife and four children.
a. who
b. whom
c. that
d. whose
e. which

2.Fiera : can you turn on this electric store, Yuni ?
Panji : “ I‘m sorry I don’t know …..
a. the way operating it
b. how to operate it
c. what is operated
d. it is operate
e. operating it

3.Farah : you look very busy with your work.
Reidy : sure. If you don’t mind.
How kind you are.
a. are you tired ?
b. can I help you ?
c. do you like to help me ?
d. can you do me a favour ?
e. would you like to help me ?
4.A : you seem to busy.
May I give you a hand ?
B : oh, no thank you. I can do it my self.
The underlined sentence expresses …..
a. offering help
b. asking for help
c. expecting help
d. anticipating help
e. waiting for help

5.Clief : John lost his money on his way to school this morning.
Frisda : oh, poor John.
The underlined sentence expresses …..
a. regret
b. opinion
c. sympathy
d. obligation
e. expectation

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